15 Second StartUp: Always Day One


15 Second StartUp

Every Wednesday, one highly actionable insight to help you build your StartUp faster. Curated by 3x Excited SaaS Founder James Sinclair​.

presented by WorkOS. The fastest way to become Enterprise Ready.

Hey Founder,

In a 1997 letter to shareholders, Jeff Bezos introduced the idea of "Day 1" and has stayed true to that ideal ever since.

Never let your startup lose its edge, operate like it's always Day One.

  • Innovate Relentlessly: Never stop looking for new ideas, constantly encourage and explore across your team. Complacency is your enemy.
  • Customer Obsession: Make decisions based on what will delight your customers. Happy customers solve EVERYTHING.
  • Operational Efficiency: Incrementally and continuously refine, improve, automated your processes to make life better for everyone.
  • Bold Decision-Making: Take calculated risks where the payoff could be seismic.

Stay hungry, stay nimble, and keep your startup in Day One mode for sustained growth and innovation.

Read the letter here

If I can be of service, reach out.


8424 Santa Monica Blvd, A523, Los Angeles, CA 90069
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15 Second StartUp

Every Wednesday, one highly actionable insight to help you build your StartUp faster. Curated by 3x Excited SaaS Founder James Sinclair​.